Ophthalmic Imaging in India - Past, Present and Future
Ophthalmic imaging, Slit lamp, Ophthalmoscope, Fluorescein angiography, Optical coherence tomography, Artificial intelligence, Augmented reality.Dimensions Badge

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Ophthalmic imaging has shown tremendous progress in the past century in terms of numerous advancements in the way we image and interpret the human eye, with all its intricacies. Recent times have emphasized imaging as a diagnostic tool, a modality to document patient progress, and a useful learning medium for budding clinicians. Imaging in ophthalmology is no longer as unidimensional as it used to be. It has expanded from simple slit lamp examination, which functioned on lights and mirrors, to now involve augmented reality technology with its four-dimensional capabilities, completely changing the course of how we diagnose ocular pathologies. India, as a country, has shown a steady pace in incorporating ocular imaging advancements into her regular ophthalmic practice, and there is hope that the country has massive purview in bringing in more technological betterments in the days to come.Abstract
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