Firecracker or Grenade: A Case Report of Shrapnel Injury and Review of Literature
Copyright (c) 2024 Aanvi Alakshya, R. Gayathiri, Ritik Jain, Ankita, Salvi, Sanjiv Kumar Gupta

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A 4-year-old male presented with sudden onset diminution of vision and pain following a firecracker injury to the left eye. Ocular examination revealed a full-thickness corneal tear with uveal tissue prolapse and a full chamber hyphema obscuring the posterior view. The non-contrast CT revealed an intraocular foreign body of metallic origin in the vitreous cavity. The patient underwent primary corneal tear repair under general anesthesia for the left eye under the cover of systemic steroids. The retained foreign body was left in situ. The surgery was uneventful. This case report highlights the uncommon occurrence of an intraocular metallic foreign body following a firecracker injury and underscores the importance of taking safety precautions during festive celebrations.Abstract
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