Human Analogue for Screening Diabetic Retinopathy: Indian Perspective
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This article explores the utility of using human resource for screening diabetic retinopathy. AI ( atificail Intelligence) based tools are getting available for DR ( Diabetic retinopathy) screening. There methodology and limitations are deciphered by doing literature survey and exploring the AI sites. Outcome: Diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of preventable blindness in India. Screening population reduces the burden of diabetic retinopathy induced blindness. Simplified identification criteria would facilitate the process of getting trained human resource STDR(Sight threatening diabetic retinopathy) / VTDR ( Vision Threatening Diabetic retinopathy) were considered a criterion for reference to a specialist. MTM DR ( More than mild diabetic retinopathy) is an easier criterion and has been taken by modern AI as the criterion for deciding whether a person would need referral or not. Training with easier criterion would facilitate the process of generating human resource and thus a Human Analogue is formed.Abstract
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